Post-Operative Care
After any surgery there is a period of inactivity where many changes can occur in the body. Massage is a brilliant, non-invasive therapy that can be used treat these primary or secondary areas of pain and any soft tissues changes that have occurred as a result of surgery.
Symptoms post-surgery:
Reduced range of motion/stride length
Unwillingness to exercise
Reduced movement/gait and accompanying pain
Uncomfortable and sore
Muscle atrophy
Sad demeanour
How massage can help:
Massage generally commences 4-6 weeks after surgery (or when your vet recommends) to address the following issues:
Pain management
Lack of weight bearing
Reduced range of motion
Protective muscle splinting
Areas of overcompensation
The breaking down of restrictive scar tissue and adhesions
Improving the flow of blood and nutrients to the affected area to aid in repair
Areas of restrictive and uncomfortable hypertonicity
Trigger points
Changes in character due to pain
Myofascial pain, seen as twitching along the back, tight skin, a ‘tickly’ spot in the middle of the back
Areas of swelling or oedema
Image from Kindred Care Pet Hospital. Please note that Leaps & Bounds Canine Massage therapy is not affiliated with Kindred Care Pet Hospital.