Osteochondrosis Dissecans
Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD) is a developmental disorder and a painful joint disease that can affect the shoulder, elbow, hip, stifle and hock joints. OCD occurs when a piece of cartilage becomes loose or pulls away from the surface of a joint, causing pain and inflammation. It is also one of the types of elbow dysplasia.
The true cause of OCD is unknown, but there are several factors which can exacerbate any predispositions:
Excessive exercise as a puppy
Fast growing, large breeds
Harmful activities of daily living e.g. ball chasing, living on laminate/slippery floors
Physical impact or trauma e.g. a fall or collision
Body size and weight
Lack of blood flow
Nutritional deficiency
Hormonal imbalances
Too much energy and calcium in the diet
Body size and weight, dietary or nutritional deficiency during the first few months of life, hormonal imbalances and joint trauma are all factors which can increase the risk of developing OCD.
Lameness, can be mild/ intermittent or constant and can’t bear any weight
Uneven weight bearing of the limbs
Scuffing of nails on the affected leg as flexion through the elbow is reduced
Muscle atrophy
Worse after exercise
Swelling of joints
Reluctant to flex or extend affected joint on manipulation
How massage can help:
Quicker post-surgical recovery (if an operation is required)
Reduces recuperation time by minimising pain and aiding comfort
Helps improves mobility
Develops and maintains muscles tone
Encourages weight bearing equally on all 4 limbs
Helps to strengthen the affected leg and restore the muscle tone
Xrays of uncompromised shoulder (left) and should with OCD (right) by Dr Dirsko J.F. von Pfeil.
Please note that Leaps & Bounds Canine Massage therapy is not affiliated with Dr von Pfeil.