Myalgia & Soft tissue injury

Myalgia is a term used to describe pain. Pain can come in many forms in the dog, but one in particular is soft tissue injury. Massage is a natural therapy that is brilliant for resolving these types of pain.


Tissue (muscle, ligaments, tendons, fascia) can become dysfunctional due to trauma, an orthopaedic or degenerative condition, aging, post-surgery or simple everyday activities like going up or down the stairs. But when this happens the tissue cannot function normally which leads to further muscular dysfunction, compensatory issues and sadly, pain.


The wide range of techniques used in massage therapy can help to return injured muscles back to full health and resolve your dogs pain.


Signs of muscular pain your dog may exhibit:

  • Yelping / crying out

  • Fasciculations (twitching of the skin)

  • Lameness

  • Depression

  • Decreased appetite

  • Cramps

  • Spasms

  • Reluctance to be touched / petted / groomed / examined

  • Stiff when moving / upon rising

  • Change in gait or posture

  • Reluctance to do ‘normal’ daily activities

Image from Please note that Leaps & Bounds Canine Massage Therapy is not affiliated with Cesarsway.