Cauda Equina Syndrome / Lumbosacral Stenosis

CES is a severe and painful progressive arthritis in the joint at the bottom of the spine. It is also known as lumbosacral stenosis; stenosis meaning narrowing and lumbosacral being that area of the spine.

It is caused by increasing calcification of the spine, leading to arthritis as the dog ages. This causes the spinal canal to narrow which compresses the nerves in that area, making it extremely painful for a dog to walk or wag its tail. It is also common that the disc between the sacrum and vertebra becomes deformed, which causes more compression on the nerves.



  • Pain (in the back, one or both hind legs, or tail)

  • Difficulty getting up and lying down (but improving once they get walking)

  • Muscle atrophy (loss/weakening) of the hind legs

  • Possible incontinence or difficulty with bladder/bowel movements

  • The inability to move their tail

  • A shuffling gait

  • Scuffed toes and licking or chewing of their hind limbs

  • Once the nerves are completely compressed, a dog will not be able to use its back legs or control its bladder or bowel movements

  • Surgery may be required, depending on the severity of the disease


How massage can help:

  • Relieve areas of muscular overcompensation (particularly the neck and shoulder muscles)

  • Relieve muscle spasms in the affected area

  • Improve circulation and lymphatic drainage whilst your dog is less mobile

  • Encourage the production of endorphins for pain reduction and mental wellbeing

Image from Sage Centers. Please note that Leaps & Bounds Canine Massage Therapy is not affiliated with Sage Centers.