Symptoms of pain you might see in your ageing dog:
Slowing down
NSAID Intolerant
Pacing around/finding it difficult to settle
Finding it difficult to get up and down from lying/sitting position
Difficulty getting in and out the car
Difficulty going up and down stairs
Reluctant to go for a walk
Grumpy with other dogs
Off food
Lost their sparkle
How massage can help:
Address Protective Muscle Splinting for Arthritis
Relieve spasms, trigger points and areas of prolonged muscular tension
Improve levels of pain
Help to make your dog more comfortable and we aim to give them back their zest for life
Assess for underlying orthopaedic conditions or neurological issues for referral for Veterinary Diagnosis
Advise you of any changes, injuries, or issues with your dog’s mobility
Provide you with a Customised Care Plan for your dog at home